Acoustical Design Kubicki
















Consultants in Acoustics


Post 1: January 15, 2013 - Welcome to "inaugural" re-edition of our blog, SoundBites.  I refer to it as a re-edition because I first used the name in a newsletter I created 15 years ago for a company I used to work for and own, Acoustical Design Group.  While that company as an independent acoustical consulting firm no longer exists, its creative force continues in this new venture, Acoustical Design Kubicki, and in this blog.  Stop by frequently as I intend to update it often.  I can't guarantee it won't present an opinion occasionally, but I can assure you that it will always be interesting and relevant to the wonderful world of sound.  Enjoy! dB

Post 2: January 21, 2013
How ADG "became" ADK
Many have asked recently, "What happened to ADG?"  Well, here's the answer.
Acoustical Design Group, Inc. was the acoustical consulting firm that served Kansas City and the nation and world since 1986.  What started as a one-man operation in the original founder's basement office grew over the ensuing 26 years to a 9-person consultancy owned by three equal partners - Russ Olsen, Ian Wolfe, and Brian Kubicki (that's me).  The firm existed under this ownership structure since 2002.  Over that span of time, the firm served hundreds of clients spread across 4 continents.  
In the early Spring of 2012, a local engineering firm, Henderson Engineers, approached the owners of ADG about possibly acquiring the firm.  Their expressed desire was to "...add legitimacy to their existing audio visual systems design team...".
While the offer to be acquired was certainly flattering, and unprecedented at least for this firm, it was not greeted with the same level of enthusiasm among ADG's three partners.  So, after a protracted 10 month negotiation, the three partners decided to part ways after so many years of superb work together.  Russ Olsen and Ian Wolfe decided to join Henderson while Brian Kubicki (me again) chose to retain the independence of acoustical consulting within the design world. 
Toward this goal, I have created a new company, called Acoustical Design Kubicki (ADK), which is much like the old company.  Our goal remains to serve the architecture, engineering, and construction industry with practical, cost effective, and innovative solutions to challenges in acoustics.  Our focus is to make the acoustics work within the design created by the architect and engineers and to make sure that what is communicated to the construction team can actually be built.
Welcome to ADK!